A busy first year for Natural Boxford

December’s member of the month is Natural Boxford, whose inspiring commitment to wildlife has led to a tidal wave of action, all within the group’s first year of activity.


Natural Boxford started in autumn 2023 after discussion that the village was lacking an ecological focus group. Their first meeting took place in November 2023. Since then, the group have installed five sets of swift boxes and calling systems on private land, and a cabinet of nests have been added in the church belfry. Additionally, the group have an active river group taking part in Essex and Suffolk Rivers’ Trust Citizen Science Project, testing water quality and recording environmental factors. As well as this, the group are monitoring river flies and invertebrates on the river box and recording wildlife numbers, in collaboration with the Riverfly Partnership.

One of Natural Boxford’s aims is increasing appreciation of wilder areas as valuable habitat. A small meadow area in the churchyard is under development, with the group also managing one of the village flower beds, and working with the Woodland Trust at Primrose Wood where some members recently built a stag beetle pyramid. Natural Boxford are part of the Wilder Together project and have received support from Suffolk Wildlife Trust’s community advisors.  They are working with Boxford Parish Council’s Environment and Ecology sub-committee to write a biodiversity statement and plan which has now been adopted.

On being selected as member of the month, Louise Carpenter, group founder said
“We are rather surprised to have been chosen as member of the month as we are a new group and are delighted. It is very helpful to be part of the community network and receive support, ideas, and resources to further our passion to do all we can for nature. It is uplifting and inspiring to hear what others are doing and know we are all making a difference together.”

The group are looking towards 2025 with a series of events and projects. Natural Boxford are taking part in Suffolk Climate Change Partnership’s Keep the Heat project, so are working with Hadleigh Environmental Action Team’s Energy group to offer local residents the opportunity to have thermal imaging of their house taken. On the 25 of January, Natural Boxford are hosting an event at Boxford Village Hall where members of the public can meet experts and receive help and support around energy efficiency. The event is free and open to all – email the group for more information.

The group are hosting a talk on swifts, with Suffolk Bird Group’s Simon Hooton, starting at 7pm on March 10 at Boxford Church. It is open to all, with time to socialise and refreshments afterwards.

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