Waste is everything we throw away or put in the bin.
This includes things that could be re-used, donated, or even not bought in the first place.
Here are some tips and tricks to help you cut your waste, recycle and re-use.
1. Before buying something make sure you ask yourself these questions
- Do I really need this and will I genuinely use this?
- Do I love it, and or will I love it for a long time?
- Do I already own something similar?
2. Check you are recycling correctly and putting the right things in your bins
Over 50% of Suffolk’s household rubbish bins currently have items in that could have been recycled!
Head to the Suffolk Recycling website for all the information you need.
3. Make a food shop list, plan your weekly dinners, and freeze food and leftovers
Head to the Food Savvy Suffolk website for recipes, inspiration, and tips to save you money and avoid food waste.
Doing it already? Great work! But we’d still recommend checking out the Food Savvy website for new recipe inspiration.
4. Buy and sell clothes, toys and more second-hand
Not only can someone else enjoy something you no longer love or need, it is also a great way to help reduce waste and save money too.
Broken items? Get them ready to sell by trying out your nearest repair café.
5. Swap out single-use plastics where you can
There are lots of soaps and plastic free bathroom and cleaning product alternatives to try – why not give them a go and, where you can, reduce plastic in your home.
Suffolk Recycling have a guide to eco and refill shops.
6. Take a different approach to gifts
Focus gifts on experiences and quality time. This could be a meal out, an experience gift card, a park picnic, group activity or more.
Not only can you spend more time with friends and family, but you can also avoid buying things that aren’t needed or wanted.
7. Go paperless with bills and paperwork where you can
You can reduce your paper waste by choosing paperless bills on things like council tax, energy and water, and bank statements.
It also reduces the emissions required to produce the paper, print the bill, distribute, and deliver them.
8. Go beyond your home and try litter picking
Litter picking is a great way to get outside, meet new people and treat our environment with care.
There are often local groups you can join, and your local council can help connect you and sort waste collections too.
Find more information about litter picking on the Suffolk Recycle website. You may even learn something new.