Suffolk’s Flood Risk Management Strategy is an important tool to help everyone understand and manage flood risk within our county. The strategy summarises the information available on the risk of flooding in Suffolk and way to manage that risk.

The strategy document has been published by the Suffolk Flood Risk Management Partnership, which is made up of all the relevant Risk Management Authorities (RMAs) relevant to flood risk in Suffolk.

The activities identified in the strategy can only manage flood risk. It would not be possible, even if there were unlimited money available, to protect all properties from any flood risk. Instead efforts need to be made by all partners, organisations and householders alike, to reduce flood risk in practical ways. Sometimes this involves focussing not just on decreasing the probability of flooding but also its impact, making sure that the properties and households can cope in the event of a serious flood.

The strategy is supported by a number of useful documents:

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 Suffolk Flood Risk Management Strategy The main document which outlines how the Suffolk Flood Risk Management Partnership will manage flood risk in Suffolk.
  Suffolk Flood Risk: Sustainable Drainage Systems The Suffolk Sustainable Drainage Guide has been updated (March 2023) and is available here on the Suffolk County Council website.
   Appendix B: Policy for Working on Watercourses in Suffolk Our policy document which outlines how we expect to see works on watercourses undertaken in Suffolk. This applies to all works – not just new developments.
   Appendix C: Protocol for Local Planning Authorities and Developers on SuDS, Surface Water Drainage and Local Flood Risk in Suffolk  The protocol set out for developers and planners with regards to flood risk and sustainable drainage systems in Suffolk.
   Appendix D: Flood Investigation Protocol The document which outlines how flooding investigations are carried out.

Additionally, Suffolk Flood Risk Management Partnership has created a guidance booklet for all riparian owners in Suffolk:

Guidance for Riparian Ownership in Suffolk

This booklet is aimed at all private owners of watercourses in Suffolk,

and provides guidance on all aspects of riparian ownership.